
Here you can find information about my upcoming training workshops & classes. You can see the dates, topics, and locations of each event. Click the links to find more details about each session. If you have questions about the workshops, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Corázon Yoga is pleased to present a 300 hour Training: Yoga from the Heart.

This is open to students who are looking to deepen a 200 hour teacher training or achieve a 500 hour certification. The 300 hours will be laid out in Modules, modules will occur several times a year and consist of either 25 or 35 hour training sessions. The total time to complete the 300 hours will be 2 years. Included in this training is a Mentoring session. 

This training is based on experience, experience for the individual or teacher that wants to take their Yoga to a deeper level. This training will provide that deepness and richness that will allow you to bring that level of Experience to your own personal practice or to a new level with your students.

The word Hatha means “union, to yoke”, this training is a complete union of lineages, we will bring together Hatha as put forth by Mr. Desikachar, Kundalini, Adaptive, Ayurveda, Restorative, Philosophy, Yin, Mantra, Meditation and Mentorship and all the beautiful elements of these practices.  We will also explore Shamanaic Healing, Women’s Studies and most of all Community/Kula

The Ayurveda Training that we did over 2 weekends went exceptionally well. I wanted to keep it small so that we could dive deep into some hands-on practices. We did Asana/Movement to ignite Agni and decrease Ama, we took time to taste everyone one of the 6 Rasas/Tastes. We took the time to do some Dinyacharia on ourselves like Pada Abhyanga, neem, Nysa for the nose, Ghee soaked cotton balls for the eyes and Rose Spray for the face and ended with a lovely meditation. It was a chance to fully experience ALL these things and learn more about our Prakriti/True Nature and Vikrti/Current State and how to balance them by using a concept of a “Little Little” and “Like Attracts Like”.

Join me for the next installation of this 300 hr program.